Dear Winterites,
This week was both busy and fairly straight forward. I didn’t get much done outside of homework as there were 3 assignments due by the weekend. That means a lot of computer time.
My eyes and back suffer!
Our Monday’s class was once again another one of those basically useless classes. It was good, don’t get me wrong. However, I personally would have preferred a work period instead. Lots of people were absent anyway. Other than when we get a new assignment, this class really doesn’t have much use beyond the wasting of time and forcing us out of bed early in the morning.
Thankfully, we got let out early. So, I put myself to work on the assignment. Got done what I could then sent it off to the prof for feedback. Wasn’t sure exactly how else to spend my day, but then my sky companion invited me to join him for a work/hangout time on campus. I did edit one other assignment, which didn’t take long, then spent the rest of our time together finishing up a chapter in my book. So, not bad by way of productivity.
Tuesday was back to finicking with the flour sacks. Spent most of the class cleaning up the drawings so I can actually see what’s going on. Thankfully, I only have minor fixes to focus on for the rest of the week, so I should be able to wrap things up in a timely fashion.
After lunch was scriptwriting. I just love this class so much. The class itself is sort of random, but the work we get to do is right up my alley and I’m having so much fun!
I truly believe that this course will help me become a better writer.
It’s already stimulated my creativity back to life, so that in itself is worth whatever the tuition costs.
I spent Wednesday sitting at my desk all day. Continued working on the flour sack assignment, then made some fixes on my ball and tail assignment, then completed my design thinking assignment, then back to the ball and tail for second round of revisions. . .. Homework, homework, homework.
In our life drawing class on Thursday, instead of gestures we went right into doing a sequence. It’s cool, but I would have liked a few gestures before hand so that the beginning of the sequence wouldn’t have been so obviously my warmup. Only one of the poses within the sequence turned out, so that was a great art start.
(The top most position is my favourite. It turned out so good! Then it all went downhill again from there. Literally.)
We continued developing our skills with the Loomis Head. Today was focusing on the mouth and ears. It’s really not an easy method to get used to, but we’re getting there.
(Just a couple faces. I think the left one is better, personally. Still trying to figure out exactly to use this technique to make the drawings look like the people they're supposed to be. Hair might help...)
In character design we started working on the body of the character rotation we just finished the head of. I’m basically turning my version of her into a marshmallow. She’s so cute and poofy!
Maybe it’s a little bit of an odd design, but this is cartoon and animation art!
(I've made a few other adjustments but didn't keep a copy of it yet. For now, it's a work in progress.)
After classes finished, it was back to getting more homework done and waiting for further feedback from the profs.
On Friday I finished my flour sack assignment! Huzzah! I really wanted to be able to get everything done, but I’m still waiting on one other prof for feedback, so I guess that will be a project for the weekend.
(Feisty little guys.)
Three assignments due within one week. Thank goodness for time management skills!