Lots has been happening in recent months, so I've got much to catch you all up on. I'll do my best to put it as succinctly as possible.
In writing:
Both book 4 and 5 of the K-11-7-4 series are underway for publication this 2022. Rough drafts are written, editing is in progress for book 5, and book 4 is getting fit for release by end of May or early June. The title of book 4 is Thread of Memory. The book cover is yet to be released. For a small taste, enjoy the following snippet to wet your whistle.
The moment K stepped into the tunnel he got a sense of familiarity. It was enough to make him pause, staring at the walls in concentration.
“What is it?” Yn’Evor asked.
“I think there’s one of those bubbles, er, threads of memory around here. I’ve got this feeling like I’ve walked here before.”
Kiil’Zaer looked down the hall and then back at him. “Shall we go find it?”
He nodded slowly. “I suppose we should.”
Outside of the K-11-7-4 series, other works are also underway. Some of these have taken a backseat due to other deadlines, however, I'm hoping to release as many as possible . . . when I can. Among these other works are several short stories, including a fairy tale mashup I'm excited for, and a high fantasy stand-alone novel about a ragtag group of wretched wizards. It's going to be so fun!
Besides writing books and short stories, there are many other creations also in progress, such as winterwrites and K-11-7-4 merchandise. This includes designing bookmarks, stickers, and t-shirts, to name a few. The plan is to have these ready in time for Winnipeg ComicCon in October. It's coming soon!! I hope to see many of you there!
I wish I had time to write more, but alas, life demands I pour time into other things for now. Which leads me to the next point.
In life:
When I'm not writing, I'm working. However, I have an announcement in regards to that. It is official that I will be returning to the student life come fall. Now, this means certain projects will have to be put on hold while others will simply slow down a touch. Not to worry, this does not mean I will cease writing. In fact, I'm going to school to learn how to share my stories through a different medium, ANIMATION! It's going to be a lot of work and I expect it will not be easy. Nonetheless, I'm eagerly looking forward to this next adventure, though preparing for such a quest requires much preparation.
Besides work and school prep, there are the usual things like socializing, family gatherings (which we can finally have again!), tea dates (because I can't stand coffee), going for walks so I'm not spending my whole day sitting and getting fat, taking care of my plants, and overthinking everything else.
In art:
Technically, since I'll be going to school for animation, I probably should be spending a lot more time working on my limited art skills. Unfortunately, I haven't gotten into being that dedicated yet. I'll get there . . . I hope.
I am drawing, though. I promise. I've got a few ideas on the go, some which are still floating at the idea stage. I told you, my dedication levels are lacking. But over summer I plan on kicking it into [a higher] gear to get several projects done. Several pieces need outlining and colour, and another just needs the colour, so they aren't all merely lazy jots on paper.
I think that about sums up everything in a nutshell. Perhaps, if there's time, I'll attempt to dive deeper into each point with pictures and more visual excitement at a later date. There's so much I want to share with you all, but I need to actually finish a few things and gather my thoughts before that can happen. Much epicness is coming, but some of you might just have to mark your calendars for ComicCon to fully appreciate them.