As I stand in awe in this long hall, surrounded by ghosts of the past. This, the place where shadow meets memory...
Welcome, to the War Memorial Museum in Seoul, South Korea.

If you've ever been to Korea, you know there's a lot of history to be discovered. Who needs Discovery Channel when you can visit the places where history was made? The War Memorial Museum is a must-see. Walk the halls hung with plaques of the names of those who served in the times of war. It's a humbling experience.
"One thing I love about Korea is that, unlike back home, the museums are affordable. I mean, who can't afford free? The grounds are beautiful, and the exhibits are enlightening."
Not a fan of museums? Or, perhaps you think walking through a museum dedicated to war is depressing? No problem! The grounds surrounding the museum are a great place for a picnic. There are old planes and tanks for photo ops if that's more your style, too.
Musings from Travelling Author
The hall is empty. Not a soul can be found. And yet, I hear the voices of people laughing freely and without worry. Surrounding me are names. So many names! War is a cruel, heartless beast that consumes countless numbers and spits out only vague shadows. This is the place I now stand, where shadow meets memory.
The people who are laughing, how is it they can be so free? Is it not because of the efforts of those who fought during the time of oppression? Is it not because of the sacrifice of many, and the blood that once soaked this land? Though there is peace in this place, war continues to strike at the earth. As I stand where shadow meets memory, I wonder, when will it end? Peace can't be just a dream. I won't accept it as such, and I know there are many who feel the same.
What can I/we do? (#striveforpeace #handinhand #unifiedworld #letsunite) Ask to yourself. Then, start with something small. Showing #love doesn't need to be complicated or specatular. As I listen to the sounds of the people, I realize, it's as simple as #laughter. So, spread a little joy today. "Love will make a way~"